End Each Day Feeling Like a Rock Star
There’s nothing better than a sense of accomplishment. It’s like being up on a stage with people chanting your name, cheering for you, and screaming out for more! It’s like being a rock star.
But have you ever had those days where you feel like you’ve been going all day long, and at the end of the day you look around exhausted and say, “What did I get done today?” And the answer is nothing. I have! And not just days—more like weeks!
It’s crazy how quickly the days go by and how distractions can take us away from getting any one thing accomplished!
As moms, we often get pulled in different directions by our children. I often use my kids as an excuse for many things, but that excuse didn’t fly when my kids spent many hours each day in school. There was no excuse why I couldn’t get things done—yet some days would go by without completing a single task.
I knew I needed to go back to the things I was taught while working at FranklinCovey before having children. I needed to “Be Proactive” and make myself responsible for my time and how I used it. I knew that if something didn’t change, many more days would be wasted. I would get more frustrated spinning in circles. After all, Dr. Stephen R. Covey said, “If we keep doing what we’re doing, we’re going to keep getting what we’re getting.”
Once I went back to the principles and time-management planning skills I had been taught, life seemed a lot more productive. I was much more efficient as a mother, a wife and every other role I was playing.
So, here is my list of tips influenced by the late Stephen R. Covey on how to end each day feeling like a rock star by getting things done!
Make a Plan
Start each week and then each day with a plan. Set aside a few minutes on Sunday night to look at your week. Jot down the things that need to be accomplished. Use this list to assign daily tasks.
This may mean you need to buy a planner or find an app for your phone to help you be accountable for your tasks. You might have to try a few before you find a “system” that works for you. Or, just have a notebook to jot down all your lists.
This practice coincides with Covey’s idea of “Begin with the End in Mind,” which is one of the the seven habits he lists for highly-effective people. Having a clear idea of what needs to be accomplished helps you take the steps necessary toward getting it done.
Make a List of Daily Tasks
Making a list of “to-do’s” for each day will help you accomplish the bigger tasks. Breaking the week’s bigger tasks into smaller pieces makes it easier to do a little each day. Write down each task so you can remember and so you can feel a sense of accomplishment as you cross it off.
Covey teaches “First Things First,” so focus on the most important tasks first. If there is something that has to be done that day, do it first! Get it done and out of the way so you don’t spend the day worrying about whether or not you’ll get it gone.
Be Realistic
Don’t set yourself up for failure by being unrealistic! Be aware of how much time you actually have in each day to work on these tasks. Expecting too much from yourself can lead to disappointment. Instead, appreciate all that you are able to accomplish.
Using the “First Things First” method will help you get what absolutely needs to get done first. Other tasks can be forwarded on to the next day. You don’t want to get to the end of the week and not have things crossed off!
Realistically plan your weeks and days with what is of greatest importance. According to Covey, “The key is to not prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.”
Block Out Time
Sometimes we need to force ourselves to get things done. If you are having a hard time getting things done throughout the time, block out time in your schedule to focus on a particularly important task.
Maybe you need a full hour or maybe not, but if it’s on your schedule you are more likely to work on it. I actually do this with the “Sharpen the Saw” idea (more on that concept below). Planning a time of day to go for a run means I am more likely to do it—especially if I schedule to meet up with a friend.
If you are working on cleaning out the storage room, but get overwhelmed with the thought of it (like me) schedule time each day to work on it even if it’s just for a few minutes. And, if you’re in a zone and are feeling like you can spend more time, do it!
Don’t Let Social Media Distract You
How many times do you pick up your phone to text someone and find yourself on Instagram 30 minutes later? This is me—more than I’d like to admit. I finally had to tell myself I can’t look at social media until I get certain things done, or until the kids are in bed. It’s difficult to stay focused with so many distractions coming at you from every direction, and social media can be a huge time sucker if you allow it.
If you do get on social media. Set a time limit so that you don’t spend more than you want to looking at all the amazing things on Pinterest 😉
Focus on You
There are so many benefits to exercising each day. Exercise releases endorphins allowing you to cope better with stress. It can help increase your energy levels. Exercising can help your skin. It can help your clear your head. I could go on and on about the benefits of exercise but most importantly it allows you to focus on yourself.
Taking time to do something for yourself is what Covey calls “Sharpening the Saw.” Employees at FranklinCovey were encouraged to schedule 45 minutes during their work day to do this.
Covey has four areas in which “sharping the saw” applies—physical, mental, spiritual, and social/emotional. Taking time each day to do something for you in each of these areas, makes for a better you.
Many moms are so concerned about taking care of others they often forget about themselves. But we need to take some time to get some exercise, read a book, or just do something to improve our well-being too. We will be better moms by taking a little time to focus on us—trust me!
Get more done each day by applying these tips. You will be more efficient, more productive and more effective.
While often times the accomplishments of a mother goes unnoticed, rest assured “nothing builds self-esteem and self-confidence like accomplishment.” Now go on—make a plan, break it up into bite-sized pieces, be realistic, schedule your time wisely and take time out for you!